
ESOT: Extra-Small-For-Size Grafts In Living Donor Liver Transplantation

Dr. Yuji Seojima of the Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan presented today his study regarding ESFS grafts.

Among their 244 LDLT (71 right lobe and 143 LL), 15 were less than 30% of the graft-to-standard liver volume ratio. All of the ESFSG were left lobe grafts. The mean graft weight was 301 grams.

Several technical modifications were necessary such as: AOLT (n=2), temporal hemiportocaval shunt (n=1), splenectomy (n=1). Four grafts were lost to chronic rejection, late portal vein thrombosis, de novo lung cancer, and hepatic infarction.

They concluded that the ESFSG can be used safely in selected cases with appropiate technical modifications, careful patient management and the accumulation of experience.

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